Date & Time :   28/03/2025   18:50:55


Meet With Our Team management


Has been one of the most vital factor since the day of inception. Our recruiters are into churning to come out with the best from the flock. Their successful endeavor has been the greatest contribution towards the growth of this company.

Nandi Group presents with pride a team that performs above expectation. Our team comprises of Managers, Supervisors, Consultants Auditors and most importantly the Ground Force who actually rolls the stone.

50 Skilled and 200+ unskilled resources comply the current work load of the company and we are still recruiting in search of better.

Mr. B.Nandi

Team Lead

Mr. Dilip Sharma

Manager Finance & Accounts

Mr. Somnath Nandi

Sr. Engineer

Mr. Rakesh Pal

Site Engineer

Mr. Ranjan Guchhait

Sr. Engineer

Mr. Sushanta Shit


Mr. Uttam Ojha

Sr. Engineer